Nemesis lockdown rulebook
Nemesis lockdown rulebook

There are little plastic broken cogwheel tokens that represent malfunctioning rooms.

nemesis lockdown rulebook

The ammo tokens are tiny red plastic cubes. The tracker markers are clear plastic tokens that actually act as a small magnifying glass to the numbered tracks they set upon on the board. The noise tokens are little yellow plastic triangular things, the fire tokens are red plastic fire looking things. This game thrives on its theme and the components just go to improve that theme even more. You never end up using everything so every game is unique from what rooms you will see to what player you will play as. I mean there is a lot here to get setup and one of the biggest reasons it takes so long is the fact that a lot of the beginning setup is randomized, from the room tiles to the player selection. After that your player boards with your specific card decks and items cards. You will also have the little draw bag with the starting alien tokens mixed within and the intruder board setup with the egg tokens. Then the….7? I think different card draw decks that encompass all the different item decks and events and aliens attacks and serious wounds and contamination cards. Let’s see just the board setup alone has randomized room tiles and on top of those randomized exploration tokens. Your first time will take every bit of half an hour as you read through the setup while also learning what the stuff means such as all the different tokens and cards. Expect to spend at least 15 minutes setting everything up, if not more. There are so many moving parts that need to be organized and laid out from cards to tokens to player stuffs. Goodness this is a BEAST of a game for setup and takedown. Of course that was just bad luck BUT this game is littered with bad luck so don’t be surprised if something like that happens. Game over and this was only about an hour into the game. The next event card was one that caused the fire to spread from every room that was on fire to all adjacent rooms….which incidentally was just enough to destroy the entire ship. I mean in one game that I played there were a couple rooms on fire and I hadn’t found any fire extinguishers yet.

nemesis lockdown rulebook

The length can be very swingy depending on what events are drawn and other aspects that happen. Of course that might be exactly what you want……. If you don’t take care of the ship such as putting out fires and repairing rooms, the ship could blow up. You could get contaminated and even though you may have completed your objective….that could still mean death. The other players are all working on their unknown objective which more than likely will intersect yours and possibly ruin your plans. I mean each player has a completely different objective to fulfill and even if you fulfill said objective there is still the possibility that any number of random events could happen to prevent that. There is such a narrow line to winning in this game it’s almost comical. Of course this is par for the course with a heavy-centric game. The slime token is a prime example, as one of those little clear tokens are placed on your player mat you may forget what it even does if you remember you have been slimed at all. Some of the stuff I can forgive as it makes the game more interesting but trying to keep track of everything can quickly lead to forgetting some things. There are so many things going on here it’s super overwhelming. I actually feel that the overwhelming amount of it just adds EVEN MORE theme to the game, makes it more unnerving. Now, that said, I don’t hate the amount of randomness in this game. However this game pushes that randomness to the point where entire games could end suddenly and furiously depending on cards drawn. Personally I like a bit of randomness in my games, gives them a bit of thrill. Even to the point of picking your character is a random draft.

nemesis lockdown rulebook

From EVERY card draw pile to combat to noise to events to objectives. Almost everything in this game was designed to be random. There are layers upon layers upon layers of randomness held within. This game is like the master onion of boardgames when it comes to randomness. For those that HATE dice and card draws and just anything random in general, you will more than likely despise this game.

nemesis lockdown rulebook

Now this is VERY dependent on what kind of player you are and what kinda games you like. Tidal Blades: Heroes of the Reef & Angler’s Cove Expansion.Join Join The Fuzzy Llama in his Adventuresįollow me on Twitter My Tweets Recent Posts Enter your email address to follow The Fuzzy and receive notifications of new posts by email.

Nemesis lockdown rulebook