The company offers a separate Smile Protection Plan that provides a set of eight retainers to help keep your teeth in place after treatment, but this costs an additional $680. One of the biggest drawbacks of AlignerCo is the lack of a treatment guarantee. The NightFlex plan, through Affirm, offers monthly payments starting at $96 for 12 months, while the NightFlex Easy plan, through Partial.ly, is an installment plan starting at $100 per month for six months with a $745 down payment.

The NightOnly plan costs $1,195 and features two financing plans.

There is also an AlignerCo nighttime treatment option for those who do not want to wear aligners throughout the day. This plan is provided by Partial.ly and does not require a credit check. The second financing option, called SmileFlex Easy, lets you pay in installments starting at $100 per month for six months but requires a $545 down payment. This option is provided through the personal financing company Affirm and requires an eligibility check and approval. The first financing plan, called SmileFlex, lets you pay for treatment starting at $79 per month over 12 months. The company also provides three payment options, including two financing plans.

Retainers $199 (first set included with each treatment plan) Impression kit $75 (included with each treatment plan) Financing Starting at $79 per month for 12 months, or $100 per month for six months with a $545 down payment